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Påminnelser Live

Påminnelser skickas ut 1 timme innan sändningen startar. Inför Q&A och gratisevent skickas även mail ut dagarna innan.

Observera att du som medlem alltid kommer att få viktiga mail så som uppdateringar, orderbekräftelser m.m.
Vissa inställningar kan ta upp till 24 timmar innan de aktiveras

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Inskickade frågor besvaras under våra Q&A (frågestunder) som hålls för medlemmar varje månad.

*” anger obligatoriska fält

Valfritt (för eventuella svar eller kompletteringar)
Tekniska frågor och medlemsfrågor mailas direkt till info@posturalyoga.com.
Detta fält används för valideringsändamål och ska lämnas oförändrat.

Introduction course – English

The introduction course consists of 4 classes that will help you understand Postural Yoga and start to restore and rebalance your body’s natural function.

Follow the instructions and give yourself time with these classes.

Tip: Take these 8 photos before and after the course.


Follow these 9 steps:

  1. Take these photos of your posture (optional).
  2. Write down how you feel (pain or restriction etc.)
  3. Do each class 7 times each
  4. Rate and add a note to each class
  5. Choose the 2 classes you like the most.
  6. Repeat these 2 classes for 5-10 weeks (18 times each).
  7. Take new photos (optional).
  8. Compare your posture, function, and how you feel.
  9. Continue with the ground course (coming soon in English).

Block: size 23 x 15 x 7,6 cm | weight: 120 g
Strap: Any that’s not elastic (I prefer plastic bucket)

You can simply use a normal belt (not elastic), a folded pillow, and/or books.
Or buy my props here (only shipping within Sweden)

Få full tillgång

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Class 1

· Intro 5 min | Class 23 min

Focus: Hip and lower back
You’ll need: One block
Instruction: Do this class 7 times, then rate the class from 1-5 how much you liked it and write a comment why you liked/did not like the class.

Få full tillgång

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Class 2

· 35 min

Focus: Hip and lower back
You’ll need: One block
Instruction: Do this class 7 times, then rate the class from 1-5 how much you liked it and write a comment why you liked/did not like the class.

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Class 3

· Intro 5 min | Class 23 min

Focus: Leg, feet and hips
You’ll need: Wall, a block and a strap
Instruction: Do this class 7 times, then rate the class from 1-5 how much you liked it and write a comment why you liked/did not like the class.

Få full tillgång

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Class 4

· Intro 6 min | Class 33 min

Focus: Shoulders and thoracic back
You’ll need: A wall, a chair and a block
Instruction: Do this class 7 times, then rate the class from 1-5 how much you liked it and write a comment why you liked/did not like the class.