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Photograph your posture

It is impossible to feel all of one’s imbalances and compensations because eventually, we get used to being out of alignment. Therefore, take photos of your posture/body position to discover which imbalances you have and get another tool to follow your development as you train with me. Taking photos before and after classes also helps you find which classes are especially good for you and your body right now.

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Do this:

Ask someone to take the following 8 photos for you, or record yourself and take screenshots standing in the various positions discussed below. Save these photos and follow your progress. You don’t have to draw lines in your pictures, they are there for you to get a better understanding of what to look for.

Tips for better photos:

✓ Tight-fitting clothes
✓ Good lighting
✓ Stand in front of a wall
✓ Camera at chest height aimed straight at you

OBS! Make sure the camera isn’t tilting – either right/left or up/down.

Take the following 4 photos:

Stand relaxed without stretching or trying to stand straight.

  1. Front
  2. Left
  3. Right
  4. Back
Take the following 2 photos:
  1. Keeping your arms straight, raise them out to the sides and up overhead
  2. Hands behind head – pull the elbows back as far as you can
Take the following 2 photos:

Lean forward and let your upper body, arms, and neck hang relaxed.

  1. One from the front
  2. One from the side

Analyze your posture

Draw a line in a photo-editing program, or hold a ruler/paper in front of the image to assess your posture.

Line in the middle of the ankle and straight up:

✔️ Everything is in line

❌ Knee, hip, shoulder, ear in front of the line

❌ Knee, hip, shoulder, or ear is in front of the green line

❌ Rounded thoracic back

❌ Forward rounded shoulders

❌ Too little or too much arch in lower back

Line in the middle of the ankle and straight up:

✔️ Elbows 10 cm behind the armpit

❌ Elbows on/in front of the armpit

❌ The chest or neck is pushed forward

❌ Lower back arch increases when the elbows go back

❌ The elbows reach different distances

Line in the middle of the ankle and straight up:

✔️ Elbow and wrist on the line

❌ Arms in front of the line

❌ The chest or neck is pushed forward

❌ One arm is further back than the other

❌ One arm feels different than the other while raising them

❌ Arms are bent

Line in the middle of the ankle and straight up:

✔️ Hip, chest and nose on the line

✔️ Shoulders are the same height

✔️ 2nd/3rd toe point straight forward

✔️ Thumbs point straight ahead

✔️ Foot, knee and hip in line

✔️ 1-2 fists’ width between the feet

❌ The body is not in the middle of the line

❌ 2nd/3rd toes are not pointing straight ahead

❌ Knock-kneed or bow-legged

❌ One shoulder is higher than the other

❌ Thumbs point inward

❌ Upper body/head shifts to the side

Line in the middle of the ankle and straight up:

✔️ Hips and shoulders at the same height

✔️ The body folds evenly over the hips

❌ One hip is higher up

❌ More of one thigh is visible than the other

❌ One shoulder higher up

❌ One hand is higher up

❌ The body/head are at an angle

Line in the middle of the ankle and straight up:

✔️ Ankle, knee and hip are on the line

✔️ Can touch the floor with straight legs

❌ Hips move back

❌ Knees bend

❌ Can’t reach the ground with straight legs

❌ Hip tilted back

Follow your progress

take new photos every 6-8 weeks to follow your progress as you train with me online.

Share your experience and your success!

Feel free to share your before and after photos and/or your experience from training online. I love seeing my members’ progress! ❤

Inspiration from one member, the pictures are taken 2 weeks apart.